Check out the latest activities from the MMM Lab.

April 19th: Nadia hosted a spring party for the MMM Lab. Activities included corn hole, spikeball, ladder ball, and an egg hunt.
April 12th: Post-doctoral researcher, Nadia Kouraytem, presented work from the MMM Lab at the APS Users Science Meeting at the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Lab. Her presentation was entitled “Microscale characterization and modeling of additively manufactured metals”. On the same day, Prof. Spear gave a seminar at Ohio State University on “A multi-scale, multi-physics modeling framework to predict spatial variation of properties in additive-manufactured metals”.

April 9th: Undergraduate researcher, Timm Loveless, presented a poster at the Undergraduate Research Symposium. Her poster was entitled “Effect of intra-build location and loading orientation on mechanical response of as-built and heat-treated additively manufactured Inconel 718.” Nice work, Timm!
March 10-14: MMM Lab members Nadia Kouraytem, Aowabin Rahman, and Prof. Spear gave five presentations at the TMS Annual Meeting in San Antonio, Texas. The complete program can be found by clicking this link.
February 21st: Prof. Spear gave a seminar at UC Santa Barbara entitled “A multi-scale, multi-physics modeling framework to predict spatial variation of properties in additive-manufactured metals”.