Recent Research Featured on the APS Homepage

Cracking the Puzzle of Material Failure – Recent work performed in collaboration with Prof. Bob Suter (CMU), Drs. Shiu Fai “Frankie” Li and Jonathan Lind (LLNL), and Prof. Tony Ingraffea (Cornell) was featured as a Science Highlight on the homepage of the Advanced Photon Source, a facility operated by Argonne National Laboratory.  The reference journal article is Acta Mater. 76 413 (2014)....

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Retirement Symposium to Honor Prof. Anthony Ingraffea

Prof. Spear recently returned to Cornell University to present at a symposium in honor of Prof. Emeritus Tony Ingraffea on the occasion of his retirement. Spear’s presentation was entitled “Toward High-fidelity Multi-scale Modeling of 3D Crack Evolution” and accompanied about a dozen other talks from former students and colleagues of Prof. Ingraffea. Congratulations and thank you to Prof. Ingraffea for his outstanding contributions in the classroom and in the field of fracture mechanics! The symposium abstracts and videos can be accessed at this link.              ...

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