Refereed Journal Publications
51. J.N. Hirst, B.R. Phung, B.T. Johnsson, J.-Y. He, B. Coats, A.D. Spear, Predicting Fall Parameters from Infant Skull Fractures Using Machine Learning, Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, (in press).
50. V. Babu Rao, A.D. Spear, A Deep Learning Framework to Predict Microstructurally Small Fatigue Crack Growth in Three-dimensional Polycrystals, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 437, pp. 117689, 2025.
49. K.J. DeMille, R. Hall, J.R. Leigh, I. Guven, A.D. Spear, Materials Design Using Genetic Algorithms Informed by Convolutional Neural Networks: Application to Carbon Nanotube Bundles, Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol. 286, pp. 111751, 2024.
48. V. Babu Rao, B.R. Phung, B.T. Johnsson, A.D. Spear, Statistical Analysis of Microstructurally Small Fatigue Crack Growth in Three-dimensional Polycrystals Based on High-fidelity Numerical Simulations, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 307, pp. 110282, 2024.
47. W. Tan & A.D. Spear, Multiphysics Modeling Framework to Predict Process-Microstructure-Property Relationship in Fusion-Based Metal Additive Manufacturing, Accounts of Materials Research, Vol. 5(1), pp. 10-21, 2024.
46. B.R. Phung, D.A. Greeley, M. Yaghoobi, J.F. Adams, J.E. Allison, A.D. Spear, Predicting Microstructurally Sensitive Fatigue-crack Path in WE43 Magnesium Using High-fidelity Numerical Modeling and Three-dimensional Experimental Characterization, Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, Vol. 47(3), pp. 862-883, 2024.
45. D.A. Greeley, J.F. Adams, P. Kenesei, A.D. Spear, J.E. Allison, Quantitative Analysis of Three-dimensional Fatigue Crack Path Selection in Mg Alloy WE43 Using High Energy X-ray Diffraction Microscopy, Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 2024.
44. K.J. DeMille, A.D. Spear, Convolutional Neural Networks for Expediting the Determination of Minimum Volume Requirements for Studies of Microstructurally Small Cracks, Part II: Model Interpretation, Computational Materials Science, Vol. 227, pp. 112261, 2023.
43. C.K. Cocke, H. Mirmohammad, M. Zecevic, B.R. Phung, R.A. Lebensohn, O.T. Kingstedt, A.D. Spear, Implementation and Experimental Validation of Nonlocal Damage in a Large-strain Elasto-viscoplastic FFT-based Framework for Predicting Ductile Fracture in 3D Polycrystalline Materials, International Journal of Plasticity, Vol. 162, pp. 103508, 2023.
42. Q.C. Johnson, P. Kenesei, S. Petruzza, J.C. Plumb, H. Sharma, J.-S. Park, E. Marsden, K. Matheson, M.W. Czabaj, A.D. Spear, Mapping 3D Grain and Precipitate Structure during In Situ Mechanical Testing of Open-cell Metal Foam using Micro-computed Tomography and High-energy X-ray Diffraction Microscopy, Materials Characterization, Vol. 195, pp. 112477, 2023.
41. Q.C. Johnson, C.M. Laursen, A.D. Spear, J.D. Carroll, P.J. Noell. Analysis of the Interdependent Relationship between Porosity, Deformation, and Crack Growth During Compression Loading of LPBF AlSi10Mg, Materials Science and Engineering: A, Vol. 852, pp. 143640, 2022.
40. K.J. DeMille, A.D. Spear. Convolutional Neural Networks for Expediting the Determination of Minimum Volume Requirements for Studies of Microstructurally Small Cracks. Part I: Model Implementation and Predictions, Computational Materials Science, Vol. 207, pp. 111290, 2022.
39. D.S. Watring, J.T. Benzing, O.L. Kafka, L.-.A Liew, N.H. Moser, J. Erickson, N. Hrabe, A.D. Spear. Evaluation of a Modified Void Descriptor Function to Uniquely Characterize Pore Networks and Predict Fracture-Related Properties in Additively Manufactured Metals, Acta Materialia, in press.
38. Detwiler, D.S. Watring, A.D. Spear, B. Raeymaekers. Relating the Surface Topography of As-built Inconel 718 Surfaces to Laser Powder Bed Fusion Process Parameters Using Multivariate Regression Analysis, Precision Engineering, Vol. 74, pp. 303-315, 2022.
37. B. Phung, J.Y. He, A.D. Spear. A Surface-mesh Gradation Tool for Generating Gradated Tetrahedral Meshes of Microstructures with Defects, Computational Materials Science, Vol. 197, pp. 110622, 2021.
36. L. Wiesent, A.D. Spear, A. Nonn. Computational Analysis of the Effects of Geometric Irregularities on the Interaction of an Additively Manufactured 316L Stainless Steel Stent and a Coronary Artery, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Vol. 124, pp. 104878, 2022.
35. C. Cocke, A.D. Rollett, R.A. Lebensohn, A.D. Spear. The AFRL Additive Manufacturing Modeling Challenge: Predicting Micromechanical Fields in AM IN625 Using an FFT-Based Method with Direct Input from a 3D Microstructural Image, Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation, Vol. 10, pp. 157–176, 2021.
34. D. Zhao, K.E. Matheson, B.R. Phung, S. Petruzza, M.W. Czabaj, A.D. Spear. Investigating the Effect of Grain Structure on Compressive Response of Open-cell Metal Foam using High-fidelity Crystal-plasticity Modeling, Materials Science & Engineering: A, Vol. 812, pp. 140847, 2021.
33. N. Shirolkar, P. Patwardhan, A. Rahman, A.D. Spear, S. Kumar. Investigating the Efficacy of Machine Learning Tools in Modeling the Continuous Stabilization and Carbonization Process and Predicting Carbon Fiber Properties, Carbon, Vol. 174, pp. 605-616, 2021.
32. N. Kouraytem, X. Li, W. Tan, B. Kappes, A.D. Spear. Modeling Process-structure-property Relationships in Metal Additive Manufacturing: A Review of Physics-driven versus Data-driven Approaches, Journal of Physics: Materials, 2020.
31.* A. Rahman, P. Deshpande, M. Radue, G. Odegard, S. Gowtham, S. Ghosh, A.D. Spear. A Machine Learning Framework for Predicting the Shear Strength of Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Interfaces Based on Molecular Dynamics Simulation Data, Composites Science and Technology, Vol. 207, pp. 108627, 2021.
* Work featured in Materials Today
30. N. Kouraytem, J. Varga, B. Amin-Ahmadi, H. Mirmohammad, R.A. Chanut, A.D. Spear, O.T. Kingstedt. A Recrystallization Heat-treatment to Reduce Deformation Anisotropy in Additively Manufactured Inconel 718, Materials & Design, Vol. 198, pp. 109228, 2021.
29. Yan, J.Y. He, A.D. Spear, B. Coats. The Effect of Impact Angle and Fall Height On Skull Fracture Patterns in Infants, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Vol. 143(7), pp. 071004, 2021.
28. Wiesent, U. Schultheiß, P. Lulla, U. Noster, T. Schratzenstaller, C. Schmid, A. Nonn, A.D. Spear. Computational Analysis of the Effects of Geometric Irregularities and Post-processing Steps on the Mechanical Behavior of Additively Manufactured 316L Stainless Steel Stents, PLOS ONE, Vol. 15(12), pp. e0244463.
27. J. Erickson, A. Rahman, A.D. Spear. A Void Descriptor Function to Uniquely Characterize Pore Networks and Predict Ductile-metal Failure Properties, International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 225, pp. 47-67, 2020.
26. D.S. Watring, J.T. Benzing, N. Hrabe, A.D. Spear. Effects of Laser-energy Density and Build Orientation on the Structure-Property Relationships in As-built Inconel 718 Manufactured by Laser Powder Bed Fusion, Additive Manufacturing, Vol. 36, pp. 101425, 2020.
25. C. Herriott, A.D. Spear. Predicting microstructure-dependent mechanical properties in additively manufactured metals with machine- and deep-learning methods, Computational Materials Science. 2020.
24. J. He, J. Yan. S. Margulies, B. Coats, A.D. Spear. An Adaptive-remeshing Framework to Predict Impact-induced Skull Fracture in Infants, Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology. 2020.
23. N. Kouraytem, R. Chanut, D. Watring, T. Loveless, J. Varga, A.D. Spear, O. Kingstedt. Dynamic-loading Behavior and Anisotropic Deformation of Pre- and Post-heat-treated IN718 Fabricated by Selective Laser Melting, Additive Manufacturing. 2020.
22. S. Petruzza, A. Gyulassy, S. Leventhal, J.J. Baglino, M. Czabaj, A.D. Spear, V. Pascucci. High-throughput Feature Extraction for Measuring Attributes of Deforming Open-cell Foams, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 2020.
21. K.J. DeMille, A.D. Spear. Determination of Representative Volume Elements for Small Cracks in Heterogeneous, Linear-Elastic Domains, Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2019.
20. K. Pierson, A. Rahman, A.D. Spear. Predicting Microstructure-Sensitive Fatigue-Crack Path in 3D Using a Machine Learning Framework, JOM. 2019.
19. D.S. Watring, K.C. Carter, D. Crouse, B. Raeymaekers, A.D. Spear. Mechanisms Driving High-Cycle Fatigue Life of As-Built Inconel 718 Processed by Laser Powder Bed Fusion, Materials Science & Engineering: A. 2019.
18. N. Kouraytem, X. Li, R. Cunningham, C. Zhao, N. Parab, T. Sun, A.D. Rollett, A.D. Spear, W. Tan. Effect of Laser-Matter Interaction on Molten Pool Flow and Keyhole Dynamics, Physical Review Applied. 2019.
17.* A.D. Spear, M.W. Czabaj, P. Newell, K. DeMille, B.R. Phung, D. Zhao, P. Creveling, N. Briggs, E. Brodbine, C. Creveling, E. Edelman, K. Matheson, C. Arndt, M. Buelte, S. Childs, I. Nelson, F. Safazadeh, J. French, C. Audd, A. Smith, E.J. Dorrian, G. Clark, J. Tayler, R. Ichi. The Third Sandia Fracture Challenge: From Theory to Practice in a Classroom Setting, International Journal of Fracture. 2019.
* First time an entire class has participated in the Sandia Fracture Challenge
16. S.L.B. Kramer, B.L. Boyce, A. Jones, A. Mostafa, B. Ravaji, T. Tancogne-Dejean, C. Roth, M. G. Bandpay, K. Pack, J.T. Foster, M. Behzadinasab, J. Sobotka, J.M. McFarland, J. Stein, A.D. Spear, et al. The Third Sandia Fracture Challenge: Predictions of Ductile Fracture in Additively Manufactured Metal, International Journal of Fracture. 2019.
15. J. Tucker, A.D. Spear. A Tool to Generate Grain-Resolved Open-Cell Metal Foam Models, Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation. 2019.
14. Phung, B.R., Spear, A.D. A voxel-based remeshing framework for the simulation of arbitrary three-dimensional crack growth in heterogeneous materials. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2019.
13. Leavy, R.B., Guilkey, J.E., Phung, B.R., Spear, A.D., Brannon, R.M. A convected-particle tetrahedron interpolation technique in the material-point method for the mesoscale modeling of ceramics. Computational Mechanics. 2019.
12. Herriott, C.F., Li, X., Kouraytem, N., Tari, V., Tan, W., Anglin, B.S., Rollett, A.D., Spear, A.D. A multi-scale, multi-physics modeling framework to predict spatial variation of properties in additive-manufactured metals. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering. 2019.
11.* Plumb, J.C., Lind, J.F., Tucker, J.C., Kelley, R., Spear, A.D. Three-dimensional grain mapping of open-cell metallic foam by integrating synthetic data with experimental data from high-energy X-ray diffraction microscopy. Materials Characterization. 2018. 144:448-460.
* Data associated with this article available via the NIST Materials Data Repository
10. Spear, A.D., Kalidindi, S.R., Meredig, B., Kontsos, A., le Graverend, J.B. Data-driven materials investigations: the next frontier in understanding and predicting fatigue behavior. JOM. 2018. 70(7):1143-1146.
9.* Pierson, K.D., Hochhalter, J.D., Spear, A.D. Data-driven correlation analysis between observed 3D fatigue-crack path and computed fields from high-fidelity, crystal-plasticity, finite-element simulations. JOM. 2018. 70(7):1159-1167.
* Article selected as Editor’s Choice for July 2018 issue of JOM
8. Feliciano, J., Cortina, G., Spear, A.D., Calaf, M. Generalized analytical displacement model for wind turbine towers under aerodynamic loading. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics. 2018. 176:120-130. doi:10.1016/j.jweia.2018.03.018
7. Matheson, K., Cross, K., Nowell, M., Spear, A.D. A multiscale comparison of stochastic open-cell aluminum foam produced via conventional and additive-manufacturing routes. Materials Science & Engineering: A. 2017. 707:181-192. doi:10.1016/j.msea.2017.08.102
6. Spear, A.D., Hochhalter, J.D., Cerrone, A.R., Li, S.F., Lind, J.F., Suter, R.M., Ingraffea, A.R. A method to generate conformal finite-element meshes from 3-D measurements of microstructurally small fatigue-crack propagation. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures. 2016. 39(6): 737-751. doi:10.1111/ffe.12449
5. Kontsos, A., Zhai, T., Spear, A.D., Muhlstein, C. Guest Editorial: Special Issue TMS – Fatigue. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures. 2016. 39(6): 651. doi: 10.1111/ffe.12438
4.* Spear, A.D., Li, S.F., Lind, J.F., Suter, R.M., Ingraffea, A.R. Three-dimensional characterization of microstructurally small fatigue-crack evolution using quantitative fractography combined with post-mortem X-ray tomography and high-energy X-ray diffraction microscopy. Acta Materialia. 2014. 76 (2014): 413-424. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2014.05.021
* Highlighted in APS Science 2014. Cracking the Puzzle of Material Failure.
3. Spear, A.D., Ingraffea, A.R. Effect of chemical milling on low-cycle fatigue behavior of an Al-Mg-Si alloy. Corrosion Science. 2012. 68 (2013): 144-153. doi:10.1016/j.corsci.2012.11.006
2. Ramirez, C.M., Liel, A.B., Mitrani-Reiser, J., Haselton, C.B., Spear, A.D., Steiner, J., Deierlein, G.G., Miranda, E. Expected earthquake damage and repair costs in reinforced concrete frame buildings. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics. 2012. 41(11): 1455-1475. doi
1. Spear, A.D., Priest, A.R., Veilleux, M.G., Hochhalter, J.D., Ingraffea, A.R. Surrogate modeling of high-fidelity fracture simulations for real-time residual strength predictions. AIAA Journal. 2011. 49(12): 2770-2782. doi: 10.2514/1.J051159
Refereed (Archival) Conference Proceedings
6. K.J. DeMille, J.R. Leigh, R. Hall, I. Guven, A.D. Spear. CNN-Informed Genetic Algorithm for Optimizing Mechanical Performance of Carbon Nanotube Microscale Bundles, AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum, 2023, pp. 0771.
5. Matheson, K., Cross, K., Javaheri, I., Plumb, J., Spear, A.D. Comparison of conventional open-cell aluminum foam and its additively manufactured twin. Materials Science & Technology (MS&T). 2016. pp. 745-752. [pdf]
4. Spear, A.D., Li, S.F., Cerrone, A.R., Lind, J.F., Suter, R.M., Ingraffea, A.R. 3D microscale characterization and crystal-plastic FE simulation of fatigue-crack nucleation and propagation in an aluminum alloy. Materials Science & Technology (MS&T). 2013. pp. 1641-1648. [pdf]
3. Cerrone, A.R., Spear, A.D., Tucker, J., Stein, C., Rollett, A.D., Ingraffea, A.R. Modeling crack nucleation at coherent twin boundaries in nickel-based superalloys. Materials Science & Technology (MS&T). 2013. pp. 1649-1656. [pdf]
2. Gupta, V., Hochhalter, J., Yamakov, V., Willard, S., Spear, A.D., Smith, S., Glaessgen, E. Experimental characterization and simulation of slip transfer at grain boundaries and microstructurally-sensitive crack propagation. 13th International ASTM/ESIS Symposium on Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics (39th National Symposium on Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics). 2013. [pdf]
1. Spear, A.D., Ingraffea, A.R. Microstructurally small fatigue-crack growth in thin, aluminum-alloy, pressure-vessel liner. Procedia Engineering. 2011. 10(2011): 686-691. doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2011.04.114
Technical Reports and Archival Data Dissemination
5. J.D. Carroll, … Q.C. Johnson, A.D. Spear, et al. Identifying Rare Disqualifying Flaws in AM Components, SAND-2020-10655, Sandia National Laboratories, 2020.
4. J.C. Plumb, J.F. Lind, J.C. Tucker, R. Kelley, A.D. Spear. Raw and Processed Data to Generate Three-Dimensional Grain Map of Open-Cell Aluminum Foam, NIST Materials Data Repository, 2018.
3. K. Matheson, K. Cross, M. Nowell, A.D. Spear. Reconstructed and Analyzed X-ray Computed Tomography Data of Investment-Cast and Additve-Manufactured Aluminum (6061) Open-Cell Foam, NIST Materials Data Repository, 2017.
2. K. Matheson, K. Cross, M. Nowell, A.D. Spear. Reconstructed and Analyzed X-ray Computed Tomography Data of Investment-Cast and Additive-Manufactured Aluminum Foam for Visualizing Ligament Failure Mechanisms and Regions of Contact During a Compression Test, Data in Brief, Vol. 16, pp. 601-603, 2018. doi:10.1016/j.dib.2017.11.072
1. A.D. Spear, A.R. Priest, M.G. Veilleux, J.D. Hochhalter, A.R. Ingraffea. Surrogate Modeling of High-fidelity Fracture Simulations for Real-time Residual Strength Predictions, NASA TM-2011-216879, 2011.